How can I place an order ?
We offer you a hassle free ordering process.
1- Browse our site for the latest collections and trendiest items.
2- When you have found your favorites , click the Add to Cart Button.
3- Once you have added all that you love, click on the Basket Icon in the top right corner.
4- Click on check out button
5- Fill out the details for the of your information and the shipping address then press continue
6- Pick your preferred payment method and fill out required details
7- Click Complete your order! Great, Your order has been placed!
8- All Done just relax while we prepare your order.
Do I have to register for shopping ?
Guest Checkout shopping is available for customer who don't wish to register an account.
However, registering with us will help you be informed of latest offers & promotions, easy return, tracking and will speed up the ordering process.
Can I add and remove items from my order ?
You can add and remove products freely from your basket before completing your order by clicking the (X) sign. After the order has been completed, you can contact our Customer Care Center and if your order status not shipped yet, you can add or remove items.
How can I use my Basket ?
Your Basket is where all the items you love are held ready for purchase. A subtotal is available, as well as a total breakdown of cost. You can also apply the desired promo coupon code there as well.
How long do the items stay in my basket ?
Items will remain in your basket as long as they are in stock. If an item is out of stock it will automatically be removed, you can add it back once the item is back in stock or replace it with another item of your choice.
How can I see the amount of discount coupon code ?
Once you have applied a valid coupon code, the discounted amount will reflect in the total breakdown in your basket.
How can I check if an item is in Stock ?
Once you click on a product of your interest, Add to cart button will be clickable. In the case the item is out of stock, Add to cart button will be unclickable.